You need a greeting card, maybe some gift tags or you want a nice thoughtful present and are looking for an art print. You'd rather shop small and go to your favorite small business's website and put a few items in your cart. If you're like us, you then go hunting for a discount code. You spend 5 to 10 minutes looking everywhere for a code, maybe you get lucky and find one, maybe you don't.
We love a good discount and enjoy shopping with small businesses that reward us just for purchasing. At WowWordz, our loyalty program takes it a bit further and gives you points for things like your birthday or joining our community on social media. We're sharing some of the highlights of our program in this blog and hope you'll join us to get rewarded!
All orders received 1 point for every dollar spent. Say you purchased an already discounted set of 5 greeting cards and the order total is $20. You'll earn 20 points!